Tuesday, October 27, 2015

7 Ways to Make Halloween Safer for Kids with Food Allergies

It's the holiday sweets kickoff! Store shelves are filled with candy or chocolate sales for Halloween trick or treaters and for sweets lovers. Thanksgiving and Christmas-inspired treats are starting to pop up everywhere. 

For me, the best part of Halloween is seeing our dogs donning their costumes attending the door and the kids in adorable costumes trick or treating. However, it is important to beware not only of goblins, witches, and scary ghosts, but also kids with food allergies. Parents should reinforce to their kids about specific food allergens and how to manage potential allergic reactions.

Below are tips for an allergen-free Halloween adapted from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  1. Read all food labels.
  2. Talk to your neighbors for suggestions for “safe” candy
  3. Look for the Teal Pumpkins.
  4. Instill the “always ask first” rule.
  5. Keep safe at school.
  6. Trade or donate.
  7. Start a new tradition. Consider giving away non-candy items instead of candy. 

Happy Halloween to all!
Photo courtesy of Food Explorer RD and Hope and Sammy


7 Ways to Make Halloween Safer for Kids with Food Allergies from the Academy of Nurition and Dietetics